Archive for Japan

Japan: 7/27/2007

Japan updates with a new ball. 8 Japanese comedians handed there voiced to a new Aztec dubbed the “laughing Aztec” this ball it limited run starting July 26th each week for eight weekx week. Week one has Dandy Banno, his ball call “Dandy Aztec” , which while you still hear Pangya you will here “[getsutsu]!” and when it bounces you hear it too. Official website is

Thanks to Black Papel Site for the translation

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Japan: 7/21/2007 and Foreign IP ban

Japan has indeed updated with Ice Spa. Here is what the update contains(in the best Translation I could piece together)

Refresh yourself at the new course! Ice Spa has arrived! Ice Spa is opening also with an event which began after the update and continues until the start of the 8/2/2007 maintanence.


Also, it is with regret that we inform you that Japan has most likely blocked all foregin IP addresses from logging into the server. If anyone can confirm it, please post here. The image shows what most of you have feared.

Comments (16)

Japan: 7/19/2007


Judging by the website…it looks as if Japan shall be releasing Ice Spa soon.

A website has been dedicated to the course. It can be found at

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